Gable Patios
A traditional Gable patio will look fantastic around any area of your home. Our Gable designs include under and over ridge caps, which whilst stopping any water entering the top of the patio, give the patio a more attractive look by covering the tips of the sheets over., we also install guttering to all sides of the patio area so that all water run-off is contained, the sheets don’t run into the house gutters at all.
Although generally Gable patios are a little more expensive, the area will feel much bigger and more spacious when compared to a Flat patio equivalent. Gables can also have lattice or Wonderglass infills fitted to the ends which stop water leakage and add privacy. Wonderglass skylight sheets provide lots of natural light and keep out the heat, and are highly recommended, we usually advise on how many to use during the quoting process.
We can also do boundary posts which allow the roofline to go out to a 500mm setback, but place the actual post on the boundary line so its out of the way.
Lexan Multiwall panels can also be used to fill the end of Gable patios instead of traditional skylights sheets for a much more impressive finish. Lexan Panels Hane an excellent UV rating and maintain natural light coming into the area while also minimizing glare. The come in opal / diffused / grey or black varieties with diffused being the most popular.